Wednesday, May 5, 2010

daily sneakers

daily sneakers yazmayali uzuuuunnn zaman olmustu.sebebi ise gecen ay fransizca kursum acilmadigi icin benim sneaker avina cikamamamdi.sadece sans eseri sokakta gorursem ya da babylon'a gidersem bir kac tane goruyordum. neyse ki bu ay kurs yeniden acildi ve ben haftanin en azindan 3 gunu yine istiklaldeyim :) artik sneaker fotograflarim biticek diye endise etmeden, gonul rahatligiyla her gun daily sneakers yazabilirim! oley!

it has been a looonngg time since i have written a 'daily sneakers' post.last month ceased, now restarted french lessons give me chance to be in istiklal at least 3 days of the week. now i can post 'daily sneakers' all the time without worrying about running out of photos! yeayy!!

bu modelden su anda nike'in istiklaldeki magazasinda var haberiniz olsun

dirtier the better!!

vapurda sneakerlar.


Mila said...

Hey,sweety,thank you so much for your sweet words.I am really glad you like my blog :)
Oh I would love to have those second sneakers!

une voguette said...

i know,aren't they gorgeous! if you don't have any problem at the customs in croatia you should get them from nike I.D. !! we can't do it in turkey cuz they always get stuck at the customs :(

The Lizard Queen said...
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The Lizard Queen said...

nerede gidiyorsun fransizca kursuna?

une voguette said...

fransız kultur merkezıne gıdıyorum,ekımden berı :)

The Lizard Queen said...

aa hangi gunler? ben de ordayim o yuden merak icinde sordum:)