Monday, January 17, 2011

daily sneakers

Austin, Texas'tan sneakerlarimiz var! Bunun icin tabiki Muge'ye tesekkur etmek zorundayim. Insanin dunyanin dort bir yaninda okuyan ve sizi onemseyen arkadaslarinin olmasi ne kadar guzel! Cok tesekkur ederim Muge, supersin! Yeni tanistigi Joel isimli bu cocugun sneakerlarinin fotografini hemen cekip yollamis, bana da post yapmak duser.

All the way from Austin, Texas, here are some colorful sneakers by Joel. I have to thank my beloved friend Muge for this photo. It's great to have friends who study all over the world and who care about you! Thank you so much darling!

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