Friday, September 17, 2010


Bence erkek modeller 2'ye ayrilir. Birincisi, kimsenin himayesi altinda olmayan,ozgur erkek modeller; ikincisi ise Karl Lagerfeld, Tom Ford ( bunu hatirladiniz mi? ) gibi moda dunyasini yoneten insanlarin himayesi altindaki erkek modeller. Iste Baptiste, 2. gruba giren sanslilardan. Karl Lagerfeld'in himayesinden cok neredeyse tekelinde bulunan Baptiste, bosuna bulundugu yerde degil. Su gozler, dudaklar,bakislar kendini anlatiyor zaten, benim daha fazla konusmama gerek yok.

In my opinion, there are 2 kinds of male models. The first group, are the free ones, with no one's support behind them. The second group, the lucky ones, are the ones who are under the wings of fashion genius' like Karl Lagerfeld and Tom Ford( remember this? ). Baptiste, here, is probably the most lucky one. He is not under the wings of Karl. He is the property of Karl. He isn't there for nothing. I think that his eyes, lips and looks talk for themselves, I don't need to talk anymore.


Morgan Jordan said...

Hot hot hot. Following you!

Yelge said...

Erkekleri de kadınlar kadar moda delisi yapmak için çalışıyorlar ama işe yaramaz (: