Thursday, February 25, 2010


allahim yeter nolur bana bir dslr camera yolla yalvariyorum artik yeter biktim bulanik resimlerden, sirkeciye film tasimaktan!! evet filmlinin keyfi ayri ama dijital olmazsan ben kendimi nasil gelistirecegim? bu harika stil sahibi insanlari nasil cekicegim? iste son olay, istiklalde 'sneakerhead' avlarken tunel'de stil sahibi insan gorulur, yanina yaklasilir, resim icin izin alinir, resim cekilir, kendisi de inanilmaz nazik cikar, ama sonuc olarak da benim gerizekali fotom bulanik cikar :( eger su an bu post u okuyorsan senden gercekten ozur diliyorum ama stilini bayildim! eger bana bulanik olmayan harika fotograflarini gondermek istersen mutlulukla buradan tum dunyayla paylasabiliriz! lutfen bunu oku lutfen!

oh god please please send me a dslr camera i am begging you!! enough is enough! i am sick of blurry photos and going to sirkeci to develop photos!! yes i know that film has a different sense and everything but how can i improve myself w/o a professional digital camera? how can i photograph those stylish people? here is the last incident, i was in istiklal hunting 'sneakerheads' saw this amazing style in tunel and asked for a photo and he turned out to be really nice but my shitty photos turned out blurry :( if you are reading this post right now i am very truly sorry, you have a great style! if you wanna send me your nice and clear pictures i would be more than happy to share them with the world from here! please please read this!!

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