Thursday, April 22, 2010

daily sneakers

biliyorum uzun zamandir elimde olmayan sebeplerden dolayi yazamadim ama sneaker postlarim 'daily' haline doneceklerdir merak etmeyiniz :)
i know i wasn't able to write for a long time but my sneaker posts will become 'daily' again, don't worry :)

bugunku sneakerlarimizin ilki, nese kaynagimiz,ada'dan, yani iconjane'in yegeninden geliyor :) su sirinlige bakar misiniz lutfen!! hapur hupur yemeli o bezelyeleri!

today's sneakers are from the V2K blogger gathering. the first ones belong to our bundle of joy, ada, iconjane's best friends son! look at this cutie pie!

ikinci sneakerlarimiz ise sayili erkek bloggerlarimzidan olan two boys two fashion in baris'indan geliyor! bu arada papyonuna ve kucuk vatkalara bayildim!
second pair of sneakers belong to baris of two boys two fashion, one of the numbered man fashion bloggers of turkey! by the way i love his bow tie and little shoulder pads!

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